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Incontri Ravvicinati 2.0: Serve Sapienza per Syngap1 - 21 e 22 Giugno 2024 Reggio Emilia

Incontri Ravvicinati 2.0, part of the outreach project "Serve Sapienza per Syngap1" coordinated by Prof. Silvia Di Angelantonio and Dr. Bernadette Basilico of our Department. The event will be held on June 21 and 22, 2024 in Reggio Emilia, at Circolo Arci Pieve, via Plauto (Pieve Modolena area).

It will be a special opportunity for families and professionals to discuss the rare disease SYNGAP1 and hear talks from experts.


To attend in person or via streaming, register at: 

Follow us on social media:

servesapienzasyngap1 (Instagram)
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