Top-level heading


The Department is headed by the Director, who represents the structure for all legal purposes and guarantees its autonomy and cultural unity.

For the purpose of the pursuit of its institutional tasks, the Department is endowed with organizational and administrative autonomy with regard to all expenditure, contractual and contractual measures that directly concern it, with both public and private entities, in compliance with the legislative discipline in force, excluding, however, the possibility of administrative measures of a general nature or relating to matters reserved for other bodies identified for this purpose by the Statute of Wisdom.

The organs of the Department are: the Department Council, the Director and the Council.

The Council normally meets monthly, with a predefined schedule in January of each year.

The Director is assisted in his management and developmental activities by a number of committees, including the Planning Commission, which meets at least every four months and whenever necessary to evaluate the distribution of resources and define personnel planning based on the Department's teaching, research and strategic development needs. In addition, the Department Director is assisted in the management of the Department's activities by the Delegated Administrative Officer (RAD) who, subordinate hierarchically to the Director General and functionally to the Director of the Structure to which he or she belongs, is responsible for the administrative-accounting management of the Department, adopting all administrative acts relating to the Structure to which he or she belongs, including acts that directly commit the University externally, by virtue of the powers of expenditure and organization of human resources delegated by the Director General.

The Council is composed of representatives of all sections of the faculty and representatives of the technical, administrative and library staff and student component. The Department is divided into two sections without administrative autonomy, the Physiology Section and the Pharmacology Section, each with its own representative. Within each section there are several research groups, with scientific interests in different areas of physiology, pharmacology, sports medicine and pharmacognosy.