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Department Council

The Department Council is composed by professors, researchers, including those with temporary positions or equivalent roles, the Administrative Secretary, who is in charge of writing session reports, and by representatives of the administrative staff, students (graduate students of courses referred to the Department, PhD students and students of specialization courses, including MD residents) and post-doctoral fellows or research collaborators with other forms of scholarship operating in the Department. Representatives remain in charge for at least two years. 
The Department Council elects the Director of the Department; establishes the general criteria for the use of research funds allocated to the Department; defines an annual plan for the development of research activity within the Department; defines the calls for Professor or Researcher positions; evaluates positions for temporary Professors; accepts the proposals for new PhD Programs administered by the Department; proposes and accepts participation to university or interuniversity Research and/or Service Centers; evaluates proposals by the Academic Senate about the establishments of such Centers; defines, in accordance with University rules, the organization modalities of the library and other departmental facilities, also devoted to teaching activities, allotting the necessary funds; evaluates and proposes to the Faculty Council the programming and testing of teaching activities; approves the applications for affiliation to the Department by Professors; approves the provisional budget and final balance, in accordance with the University accounting regulations; cooperates with the governing bodies of the University and with national planning institutions.