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2nd Epiepinet Annual Meeting - 10-11 Gennaio 2022

Dear EpiEpiNeters,

Unfortunately, due to the escalation of new COVID-19 cases all over Europe we had to go online with our Annual Meeting.  

However, this also brings new opportunities for those of you who were not attending the meeting in Lisbon.

If you did not register for the face-to-face meeting in Lisbon you can still attend the Online Meeting.

The programme (found in attachment) will count with Scientific talks from partner institutions and Group Discussions where participants will present online posters and debate potential technical, scientific exchanges and short-term missions for the upcoming year.

It might be a great opportunity for you, your research project, your career or for your research group to fully benefit from the funds and expertise provided by this Consortium.

We still have some slots available. To register please use the following link:

Note: for those of you who registered for the face-to-face meeting in Lisbon there is no need for registration. You are automatically registered.

The links for the meeting are the following:

For Data protection reasons I would like to ask you not to share these link with people outside your research groups or in social networks without requesting.

If you are not able to attend the meeting online please let us know in advance.

Some more practical information:

Poster Session & Oral Communications

If you chose to present a poster, during E-Poster Sessions you will have the chance to do a 3-5 min. presentation of your poster (as pdf) within the Working Group you selected. Alternatively to a formal poster you can have a 3-4- slide PowerPoint describing your project.

If you chose to present a Talk, please remember that your presentation should be (at most) 8 minutes followed by a discussion period of 7 minutes.

We have a little challenge for you: please end your presentation and poster with a short-list of expertise, techniques or collaboration that could help your project progression.

Group Discussions

According to their preferences, participants have been distributed among 3 Working Groups:

Group I – Synaptic Dysfunction & Excitability in Epilepsies

Group II – Neuroinflammation & Glial Cells in Epilepsies

Group III – Novel therapies & Developmental epilepsies

To help with these discussions you can read the technical expertise of each partner institution & participant in the Book of Abstracts and in the “Technical Resources Expertise within EpiEpiNet” file found in attachment.


Epileptogenesis and Epilepsy Network:

from genes, synapses & circuits to pave the way for novel drugs and strategies

Follow us on: Twitter (@epiepinet), LinkedIn (epiepinet), Facebook (EpiEpi Net) and youtube

Ricardo Viais, PhD - Project Manager (main e-mail) / (alternatively)

Ana Maria Sebastião, PhD - Project Coordinator

Horizon 2020 EU-funded Twinning action




