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Seminario Ferketich

Challenges to addressing tobacco dependence in the HIV-infected population
Giovedi 30 maggio 2013 ore 13 - 15
Aula B, Edificio di Farmacologia

Giovedi 30 maggio, alle ore 13.00, presso l'aula B dell'edificio di Farmacologia la Prof. Amy K Ferketich (Division of Epidemiology, The Ohio State University College of Public Health, Columbus, Ohio, USA) terrà il seminario "Challenges to addressing tobacco dependence in the HIV-infected population".

The prevalence of current smoking among HIV-infected individuals ranges between 40% and 85% across various studies. In the era of increasingly effective treatments for HIV, persons living with HIV have the potential to live longer. This, coupled with the fact that smoking continues to be a problem among HIV-infected individuals in the U.S., suggests that smoking-related comorbidities could become more prevalent in this population of patients. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that serious non-AIDS events, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, are now more prevalent than serious AIDS events in the HIV-infected population. Prof. Amy K Ferketich will discuss the challenges to delivering tobacco dependence treatment to HIV-infected adults and present the results of a tobacco dependence treatment study at The Ohio State University.

Per informazioni rivolgersi a Prof. M. Caterina Grassi - Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Farmacologia "V. Erspamer" T (+39) 064450618 /06 49912496


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