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Master's Degree Course in "Sciences and techniques of motor activities with biomedical curving (LM67)"

Corso Interateneo di Laurea Magistrale in “Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie a curvatura biomedica” (LM67)

The degree course 

The Interateneo Master's Degree Course in "Sciences and techniques of motor activities with biomedical curving" (LM67) involves Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Rome "Foro Italico."

The course is designed to address the important need to build the professional meeting point between medical skills and physical activity. The synergy between the training competencies of the two universities involved realizes a unique training course on the regional territory thanks to the involvement of the three Faculties of Medicine of Sapienza University, whose main role is to deliver bio-medical teachings and allow students to participate in laboratory activities also at the outpatient clinics of Policlinico Umberto I and Sant'Andrea Hospitals and the Department of Human Exercise and Health Sciences at Foro Italico, whose main role is to enable students to acquire knowledge and technical and methodological skills essential to the planning and conduct of adapted motor and sports activities.

Training Objectives

The formative objectives of the course are defined with particular attention to the professional figures and occupational outlets characteristic of the field and are oriented toward an integrated field of the motor-sport component with the clinical component in order to train professional figures who act as intermediaries between the patient/athlete/individual and the physician who prescribes physical activity for preventive, rehabilitative or therapeutic purposes, including those adapted to different physio-pathological conditions.

Master's graduates will have the knowledge that will enable them to best interpret and apply therapeutic indications of motor or sports activity in order to appropriately tailor activities to individual conditions. 

Job Outlets

The Master's Degree aims to create the ideal transitional figure to competently apply motor activities, personalizing them in relation to pathology, age of the subject, gender, and the sport practiced. Master's graduates will be able to carry out professional activities in Institutions, public and private Facilities, Associations, as: specialists in preventive and adapted motor activity for different age groups; specialists in motor activity aimed at the prevention and treatment of different pathologies; specialists in exercise for the promotion of health and healthy lifestyles in the different contexts related to motor and sports activities; specialists in the training of differently abled subjects through sport and education for social and intercultural inclusion; experts in body-mediated helping relationships.

Why study exercise science at Sapienza University of Rome

The Bachelor of Science in Science and Techniques of Physical Activities with Biomedical Curvature is characterized by the numerous laboratory and internship activities that take place at the University's laboratories, the outpatient clinics of Policlinico Umberto I and Sant'Andrea Hospitals, and at the sports facilities of the SapienzaSport Service Center.